Louvre Hotels Group’s teams was be part of the first edition of the Tourism Career Opportunities week. This event focuses on the discovery and value of the tourism industry in France.


The goal is to reinforce the attractiveness of the sector and encourage the recruiting of young people and job seekers from all over the nation.

For this occasion, Louvre Hotels Group was active throughout France, promoting the career opportunities in the hospitality and restaurant industry. This nationwide event is launched by Olivia Grégoire, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economy in charge of Small and Mid-size Businesses, Commerce, Artisanal Professions and Tourism. The week brings together several institutional and professional partners such as ADN Tourism, Atout France, Pôle Emploi, as well as the main professional organizations in this sector.

The Group’s different hotels, in partnership with several local employers, participated in the events organized all over France to promote the business, its different trades as well as career opportunities.

This action was part of the voluntary policy of the group to promote awareness of the different employment opportunities in the hotel industry and to smooth the integration of new recruits coming from the hospitality-food service industry, either through career changes or merely those curious to discover a sector which promotes career advancement.

The week’s program includes twenty or so immersive and discovery events: visits to establishments, Open House days, meetups with personnel, recruitment forums, round table events…An occasion for everyone–be they job seekers, career changers, or students–to take advantage of learning more about the opportunities that exist in the hospitality, food service and tourism industry as well as trainings, job openings and the growth they offer.