To increase visibility in schools and therefore facilitate recruitment in our hotels, the Campanile hotels in the northern region have decided to sponsor the “Omnisports Games” at EDHEC Lille.

The advantages of sponsoring include:

  • Access to the CV library of the event which includes 2,500 participants
  • Distribution of a Welcome Pack with Goodies in our brand colors
  • A Louvre Hotels Group solidarity trophy

This trophy rewards the solidarity spirit in the schools with a company-financed fund and fundraising by the students, which will then be donated to an association. This trophy rewards the most active school not only for its financial participation but also its sports, positive attitude and inclusive participation.

Three criteria:

  1. The school that collects the most money
  2. The school that shows the best fair play during the event
  3. The school that is the most actively involved in the different CSR events

For this first iteration of the Solidarity Trophy, the teams have decided to donate all the funds to the Premier de Cordée association.

This association works to inform schools, businesses and groups about what it means to be handicapped. It also puts into place sport activities for hospitalized children. The Premier de Cordée association is supported by several worldclass athletes such as Kylian Mbappé.