New LHG corporate site

Our site dated back to 2015; it was time to update it and to put it under the white brand (the hosting platform for our brands’ sites).
This platform will offer a better performance for the Louvre Hotels Group site.  It will allow for more flexibility to accommodate all the upcoming evolutions and will offer an optimized navigational experience for both desktop and mobile phone use.


The new site’s goals are:


  • To update our image by using a more contemporary design, airy and visual all while respecting the framework of the white brand
  • To give the user an improved, more fluid experience (investor, candidate, client)
  • To provide a larger space to the most important of our principal values:  the human
  • To highlight the group’s brands


Hurry over to discover it!


A huge bravo and thank you to the communication, eCommerce and digital factory teams for this great work!