French directors under franchise and management contracts were invited to attend their brand’s semester meeting in February, March and April.

It was the opportunity to share about 2022 results and 2023 objectives and new projects.

These meetings were a success ans always a good way to be close to our investors.

  • Campanile: More than 130 directors and investors were present to the 2 meetings that were organized to share the brand vision and the 2023 actions that will take place later in the year.
  • Kyriad: The Kyriad Franchise Tour welcomed more than 120 people in Bordeaux, Tours and Amiens. This was an opportunity for Kyriad’s teams to discuss with the network the brand’s strategic issues and, above all, the business development levers.
  • Première Classe: The management contract directors national meeting took place on February 8th and 9th after 3 years of virtual meetings. After sharing the new year’s stakes and objectives, directors had the chance to visit Hosho and to participate in the Climate Fresco, a way to familiarize themselves with climate issues. 3 franchise meetings will take place in May in different French regions.