At Louvre Hotels Group, from November 21 to 28, we are moving to waste reduction time! To continue to raise awareness among our head office and network employees, what could be better than sharing best practices?

Every day, we shared a good practice, embodied by one of our many CSR ambassadors, whether they are at headquarters or in the network!

  • First, we gave the floor to Etienne Pernet! Etienne presents his good zero waste practice: the Bee Wrap! To put an end to plastic and aluminum in the kitchen, watch this video!
  • Juliette, Director of the Campanile Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense hotel, shares a good practice with us. On the program: the collection of coffee grounds!
  • What if we started shopping in bulk to avoid generating excess waste? Mathilde Habit tells us more in video!

And big news!

We have installed a sorting machine in the CSR Showroom on the 9th floor of the Tour Voltaire, and it is already a great success! Our employees can now come and recycle cans, plastic bottles, TetraPack bottles and cups!