European Sustainable Development Week at LHG’s headquarters

From September 26 to 30, LHG’s headquarters was involved in the European Sustainable Development Week!

The aim was to raise employees’ awareness about ecological issues and to suggest solutions to meet the challenges ahead.

Each day was dedicated to a different theme, in line with the actions implemented in our establishments and at headquarters. Every morning, employees received a newsletter in their email box on the theme of the day, along with a challenge to win sustainable and ethical gifts.


  • To get the week off to a good start, Monday’s topic was about the commitment of our brands, and Campanile in particular. Employees had the chance to preview the name and identity of the brand’s CSR program. The challenge of the day was a little quiz to win a kit of reusable make-up removal pads and a box to make your own herbal tea!


  • Tuesday focused on sustainable food, including the impact of food and how to reduce it. A surprise was waiting for all the headquarters employees at the CSR department: a surprise basket composed of three delicious responsible products, accompanied by a booklet presenting the actions set up within the Campanile hotels, such as a vegetarian menu! In addition to the basket, two employees were able to win a place for the new Sustainable Cuisine training at Chaud Devant!, the Food University of the group!

  • Wednesday’s theme was sustainable transport, an opportunity to explain the impact and alternative means of transport. The challenge of the day consisted in participating in a small quiz in order to win a “Zero Carbon Travel” guide.


  • Thursday was on a very different but important topic: the reduction and management of waste. Employees were able to learn more about recycling and how waste is managed within our hotels. The quiz of the day offered a chance to win a “Zero Waste in my Kitchen” kit as well as a “Growing from Food Waste” kit.

  • To conclude this great week, the Friday theme was carbon impact, to learn more about the average French carbon footprint and how to reduce it! For the last challenge of the week, employees had to calculate their individual carbon footprint online and then participate in a photo challenge by shooting one of their low-carbon commitments. The prize was a place to a « Fresque du Climat » (Climate Fresk) workshop!


This week was a great opportunity to raise awareness and inform headquarters employees about the group’s sustainable priorities.